How To Avoid These Three Most Common SEO Mistakes

If you’ve noticed a sudden decrease in your search engine ranking and web traffic, perhaps one of the first reasons for this could very well be one or more of the following SEO mistakes. While SEO’s art is constantly updated, many of today’s top rankings utilize outdated strategies that aren’t very effective today. It’s not a good idea for those who are new to online marketing to use old strategies if they hope to achieve the best results. That said, here’s a brief look at some of today’s most deadly SEO errors listed by a professional SEO specialist.

Using incorrect keywords is one of the top three-SEO mistakes people often make. Although keywords are an essential part of your overall SEO campaign, too many people make the mistake of using keywords on every page of their website, regardless of how relevant they are to the topic. Search engines are getting pickier by the day, and the days of simply picking a keyword-based on the name of an author and placing it on every page of a site are quickly coming to an end.

Another common mistake is failing to update and improve upon existing content strategies. Content marketing, while not entirely new, is slowly becoming more important for SEO success. New content strategies are necessary for any serious business wishing to compete online. SEO experts agree that content remains king when it comes to marketing success, even over video marketing and social media marketing. Therefore, if you wish to keep your rankings up, you must keep your content relevant and fresh.

Many businesses also go through the mistake of using the same keywords over. This is a mistake. In short, if you want to draw attention to your page, you shouldn’t be filling your pages with keywords. Instead, create new content strategies for every single page on your website. These strategies should be related to the topic you’re trying to promote, and they should use new keywords or keyword phrases that are less competitive.

Another major issue that many internet marketers face is their use of Google Analytics. The problem with this is that it doesn’t give you enough information. For example, it shows you where your traffic is coming from, but it doesn’t tell you what keywords are driving it. It only tells you the IP address and location of a visitor. What you really need to know is what clicks are converting to sales, where does your bounce rate lie, and which of your pages are most appealing to your visitors.

Another SEO mistake is the use of “redirects”. SEO experts have long argued that internal and external links are far more effective than redirects. However, Google has recently started to penalise websites for redirects, making them almost invisible to a user’s user experience. This move has caused many internet marketers to scramble for methods of redirects that don’t break Google’s rules, thus sacrificing their rankings.

A final SEO mistake commonly made by marketers is to submit their website to multiple directories. Google has recently claimed that submitting to all of the major directories is still beneficial for search engines. The truth is, however, that it is not. Google is focusing its efforts on reducing the spam index, and it will always focus on improving the quality and relevancy of individual search results.

In conclusion, if you want to be successful online, you need to avoid common SEO mistakes. Avoid using complex keywords in URL addresses, avoid using multiple keywords in one-page content, and try not to submit your website to many different directories. By focusing on one-page content and increasing your relevancy to the search engines, you can dramatically improve your click-through rates. Finally, ensure that you avoid ‘phantom text’ by avoiding using keywords that have been used to search for a particular term yet have been forgotten by the user. This can result in you losing out on rankings.